Mill Dog Stories: Sulley

Sulley was a stud in a puppy mill for the first year of his life. In this story, we’ll hear all about how he overcame his tough start to become a cherished family dog.

I had the absolute pleasure of photographing Sulley and other former puppy mill dogs like him this past summer. They were all participants in The Mill Dog Project – a collection of videos and photos that tell the stories of these very special animals. In sharing how resilient and brave these pups are, I hope to raise awareness about mills and mill dogs, helping future pet parents not to overlook the life-changing experience that is having a mill dog in your life.

About Mill Dog Stories: Sad, dirty faces in packed cages. That’s what you think of when you hear about puppy mills, maybe with some Sarah McLaughlin playing in the background, right?

Well, this series of stories about former puppy mill dogs asks you to look beyond their difficult beginnings to the incredible, resilient dogs that they’ve become.

In sharing their stories of strength and survival, I hope that you consider a mill rescue for your next dog – they will absolutely change your life.